Wednesday, June 26, 2013

For The Love of Art

HollyJo at your service ! We have an appreciation for art, and work with ceramics and painting them too. Holly is the Disney loving gal, and I'm the anime loving gal .. Lol. That basically means that Holly is easily inspired by Disney and I'm easily inspired by animes. But we both are capable of painting whatever design you would like on a ceramic piece. If you have any requests/inquiries, then please contact us at and we will talk =) 
Here are some painted pieces we have done: 

Wish Upon our Summer

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hey guys!

Welcome to The Way Life Plays Out 

We are HollyJo! We are two co-workers who have been seeking adventure. This blog is going to be about our summer adventures and more... 



My name is Holly, I'm a student at UNLV and I work at Color Me Mine. I love music, Disney, laughing, random adventures, and Peter Pan. I don't "like" things, I "enjoy" them. I document my life through pictures on Instagram...I'm weird. I enjoy it. 


Hi it's Jo ! I'm currently a college student, and on the 5-year plan .. or maybe 6 , IDK ! Lol. Business student with a goal o f NOT having to look for a job after college.. just trying to make it now and not later. I'm a big fan of Indie Rock and Folk Rock. Huge fan of music festivals, and would love to go to Coachella and Sasquatch! Food wise , I can eat anything but chicken is my first love.